I'll caveat everything I'm going to say here with : I am TERRIBLE at 30 day challenges. I think it's a mental thing - once I say I can't have something or can't do something or have to do something for a specific period of time, I cave within the first 30 minutes. I have no clue why. I'm sure there's some sort of reasoning behind it. It probably has something to do with not caring enough or not putting significance on it. Who knows! But I'm always pretty good at keeping Lenten promises. This year I gave up desserts. The first couple of weeks are always a little difficult, but once you get over the hurdle, you're golden. You start saying "no thank you, I don't want that" versus "I can't have that".
Anyways. While I was in Spain last week, I decided that after I ran my 10-miler on Sunday, I'd begin whole30. I don't want to call it a challenge, because I don't feel like that's what it is. I see it more as like a diet reset. And weirdly enough, I'm actually really excited to begin it.
It's 30 days of no added sugar, no dairy, no grains, no legumes, no alcohol, no processed foods, Most of that seems doable for 30 days. The dairy part though... that's going to be a toughie. I LOVE cheese.
Aside from the cheese part though, I'm pretty excited to begin. It'll be interesting to learn different ways to fuel my body while I'm training for a half marathon because my usual go-to's are pasta and oatmeal. So, we'll see! Stay tuned to see how I'm doing! Heck, even keep me accountable. Ask me how it's going!