Thursday, September 7, 2017

Yoga Confessional

Today is September 7th, which means I should be a week into my 30 day yoga challenge... when in reality today is the third day consecutive day I've done yoga this week. Whoops. So, maybe my 30 day commitment started a few days later than anticipated. No harm, right? What counts is that I started, right?

Yesterday's practice was tough. I couldn't quiet my mind and holding a plank felt nearly impossible. It took every ounce of concentration I had to not fall out of a modified tree pose. The last ten minutes were fully dedicated to savasana, and man, was I grateful for that. I left practice feeling grounded and reenergized. I definitely felt better than when I was stumbling all over my mat.

My hope is that in a month, I can look back on these 30 days and see how my practice has changed (and *fingers crossed* improved). Just like I know every run is different and every mile changes you, I have to remind myself that every time I come to the mat my practice will also vary. No two times on the mat will ever be the same.

I wonder how my next week will go. Namaste.
