Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Day 1: Complete.

One of the biggest things I was dreading nervous about giving up was dairy. I love milk in my coffee in the morning. I eat cereal for breakfast (or really whenever I don't know what else to eat). I LOVE cheese. I love ice cream - thankfully right now I'm not eating dessert, so that is helpful. But nonetheless, day número uno commenced with a cup of coffee... with no milk... and it wasn't too bad. I actually enjoyed it more than I was expecting to! First battle: won!

By 11:30am, I was starving. Yes, I could eat a plate of grilled salmon and steamed broccoli. No, I wasn't bored. 

This means I need to add more to my breakfast and/or pack a snack for right before lunch. I don't really like to eat lunch earlier than 12:30 and definitely not before noon - which means I need something to hold me over. 

Now, I had this whole plan for Sunday night about how I was going to take a nap then wake up and make day one's lunch. Fail. I fell asleep, didn't set an alarm and woke up 12 hours later. So lunch yesterday was a salad from Sweet Green - spinach, chicken, sweet potatoes, cucumber, tomatoes, hard boiled egg, avocado, and asparagus topped with vinaigrette. And due to meetings, I didn't start eating it until about 3:15pm.... so much for being famished at 11:30am. 

4:23pm: my thought "And now all I want is a (box of) chocolate chip cookie(s)."

Then, all of a sudden it was 8:52pm and I had just caught the metro. This was going to be another challenging part of these 30 days. Since Sunday night, I passed out at 6:30pm I didn't make any meals ahead of time. I knew I had to mentally prepare myself on the ride home to be sure I didn't just eat the first thing I saw when I got home. 
Mental note: I'm hoping this is a lesson learned for the rest of the 30 days and I don't put of meal prepping. 

I came home and ate a giant bowl of strawberries. Not the intention of the 30 days, but not a bad life choice either. After I finished the bowl off, I made some garlic chicken, ate a few mini heirloom tomatoes, and started meal prepping for the next day. I finished off the night with a banana and off to bed! 

Let's see how day #2 goes.
