Tuesday, December 20, 2016

One Month.

Sometime back in September, 35,000 miles up in the air, I realized something had to change. I was flying back from Madrid, and I gave myself a deadline - one year to change something in my life. Change something kind of big, not just cut my hair and get bangs. I wasn't really sure how or where to begin, but the universe heard me... and within a month I had applied to a new job, interviewed for it, accepted an offer, signed a lease, and moved into my first apartment.


I moved to DC, on a whim mostly, but nonetheless, moved to a new city. Got a new job with new people and an entirely different team.

Everyone keeps saying they can't believe I just picked up my life and moved to a new city, but I don't really feel like it's that big of a deal. Maybe once I'm fully living and working there, it'll hit me harder... or maybe it won't.

But I've decided. I have a year in DC. One full year. 365 days.

I plan on making this an amazing year.
